A list building challenge

On Friday last week, I talked about the changing nature of online paid traffic… and how Apple is going to begin putting up major headwinds to third-party tracking cookies. They took a direct stab at Facebook.

The main point of that was to say that ALL of us should be working on building up media that we own. Media that we can use to gain and direct our audience’s attention without having to pay a third party in order to do it.

By building up owned media, you make your blog and your business immune to any changes made by social media companies or ad companies. Whatever they throw at you, you can adapt because you’re not reliant on them.

With that in mind, I feel it is only appropriate to begin talking about list building.

Now, list building is a topic that has been discussed many times – by me and others. But, my goal is to translate this into ACTION.

If any action we talk about is a long-term effort, then it becomes theoretical. It is harder to apply because it seems… overwhelming.

However, each and every day, there are certain concrete, SPECIFIC actions that you can take to build your list faster and more effectively.


The bigger your email list, the more money you will make. Therefore, the more you do to grow your list, the more your revenue grows.

I mean, it is almost a natural law when it comes to online business.

So, anything you can do to grow your list faster is going to be a very high leverage thing to do. Much more useful than scrolling through other people’s photos on Facebook.

The good news is that, for almost everybody I work with inside The Lab or via coaching sessions, there are numerous opportunities to grow the opt-in rate which are just sitting there STARING at them. But, they didn’t notice.

Growing your list faster doesn’t take “ninja tactics” or any secrets of the gurus. Really, all it requires is deciding to spend time on doing whatever everybody KNOWS works… but usually don’t do.

The good news, too, is that these strategies don’t take very long at all. If you cut out the distractions (in other words, close Facebook) and just focus, you can execute one of these strategies in an hour or two.

If you do this regularly, your list will grow faster.


In the next several issues of The Daily, I am going to walk you through a challenge of sorts.

Each issue, I am going to cover one specific action that you can do to grow your list faster. My goal is that each action will be something that can be done in one sitdown. At most, perhaps a couple hours of your time. My goal is to make it specific…. not general.

Are you onboard with this Challenge?

I’ll see you on the next issue.

– David


or to participate.