So, what happened to my RV blog?

If you’ve been with me for a little bit, you know I’m kinda into RV travel. I own a big 36-foot motorhome and, while we don’t live in it full-time, we do use it quite a bit.

Now, if you’ve been with me longer, then you may know about my RV blog. It was a little personal hobby blog I set up about RV travel. Destination – unknown. Because, I honestly didn’t really know what my long-range intentions were with this blog.

But, I did create some blog posts where I talked on the Blog Marketing Academy about my experience starting that blog from scratch. But, then I stopped.

And I’ve had a few people ask what’s been happening with it. So, let’s do an update on the RV blog.

In case you don’t know (and, that’s likely)… the blog in question is called RV Family Travel.

I started this blog just for fun and without any real vision for where I wanted to take it. But, one thing I began to do was periodically post updates on the Blog Marketing Academy about what I was doing.

And then… silence. I didn’t post another RV Blog Report.

And yes, I have had people ask about it. Funnily enough, in one of those “it’s a small world” kinda moments, I actually had my uncle have a guy ask me if I was related to him. My uncle has an RV storage business and, one of this clients reads my blog and asked about it.

Truth is, the last many months of the RV blog have been quite uneventful. I haven’t been posting much to it. I’m doing nothing to generate any traffic. It is just coasting.

In the last 30 days, the site has generated a whopping 628 page views with about 300 people visiting. The site has a mailing list of 1,117 people right now, but they haven’t been emailed since August so I have little doubt I’ll send a few of them packin’ when I do email them.

It does beg the question… why am I ignoring the site?

Obviously, given what I do for a living here, I could most definitely grow that blog if I put the time in. It isn’t as if I don’t know how to do it. But, I don’t.

The main reason for why is in my last sentence: What I do for a living. Clearly, the Blog Marketing Academy is where my time goes. I am working on new stuff for my Lab members, I am writing the Daily, writing new posts, and doing other things to grow THIS business.

The RV blog, while fun, doesn’t really contribute anything. So, the priority has been really low for me.

But, I think I’d like to put some more time on this.

Perhaps it is time to treat RV Family Travel like an actual project and actually purposely grow the site again.

Don’t worry, the Blog Marketing Academy will continue to be my priority. In fact, what I think might be fun would be to start doing the RV Blog Reports right here in The Daily. Watch me grow up a blog from scratch, right here in The Daily. With all the ups and downs. Because, one thing I guarantee you is that even though I’ve been in this business for awhile, not everything I do is gonna work. That’s just reality.

But, you’ll see it all.

The RV Blog Reports won’t be the focus of The Daily, of course. Just something I do sometimes.

And if I know people are watching, it helps hold me accountable, too.

Coming up in a few days (well, Feb 12th, actually), we’re leaving on another RV trip. Leaving Florida and heading out to Texas for an event called The RV Entrepreneur Summit. Should be a lot of fun. There will be many people there with RV blogs – some successful, others striving. I won’t be speaking or anything. Just there for the experience. But, may also serve as a kick in the pants again for RV Family Travel.

So, what are YOUR thoughts on this?

Would you find it useful (or entertaining, maybe ) to watch me build and grow a blog out of nothing in a niche which has nothing to do with online marketing?

– David


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