How following internet marketers screws you up ;-)

You can learn a lot by reading or listening to people in the internet marketing world. There’s no doubt. But…

It also has a high risk of screwing things up.

Let’s be real…

There are a lot of people who want to make an income online, but don’t really know what to do. There are also people who may already be making some moolah, but they want to increase it. Either way, when they go online to look for some how-to, they get into this world of IM (internet marketing).

And IM people like to talk about themselves.

IM people like to make everything they do seem awesome. And they’ll tell you what you need to be doing.

They’ll say you need to do webinars. Or that you need a high-ticket offer. Or you need to need to do this… or that. They’ll teach you the idea of sales funnels and other things.

And don’t get me wrong… it’s all good! I teach many of these same things. However, here’s the truth…

It tends to lose sight of the bedrock on which all of it depends… YOUR OFFER. And… are you truly serving people with an outcome they really want?

Under all those tactics, you need to have something of value to deliver and a group of people who want it. But, many of the IM people don’t spend much time talking about that. They’d rather talk about the sexy stuff.

Online business isn’t a template. It isn’t some “color by numbers” thing where setting up a site in a certain framework will pop out money. I’ve watched my share of people who haven’t the slightest idea what their market is come to me and tell me how they want to create a membership site, learn how to write emails that sell, how to craft high converting offers, how to sell subscriptions, yada yada yada…

They want the framework that these IM people talk about. They can “talk shop” and use IM-ish terminology. But, underlying it, they don’t know who their market is, what they can offer, etc.

I’ve had people who are making zilch-didly come to me saying they want to put together a high-ticket coaching program. I mean… like, WTF? Really? What makes you worth a high-ticket price tag? You think you just step into something like that, like it is some kind of “color by numbers” thing?

Nope. Doesn’t work that way.

But, this is sorta what happens in too many cases. People just want to make some money. They start reading IM people. And they fall into this mindset of concentrating on the mechanics of online business instead of what REALLY matters…

Your value. Your offer. And serving somebody who actually wants it.

I’ll be blunt…

Not everybody has it.

I recently had a lady join the LAB and then turn around and cancel about a day later. That hardly ever happens, so I emailed her to ask why. She told me she read one of the first steps of The Roadmap where I present 6 questions on whether this business model is right for you. Apparently, she read that and decided it wasn’t for her.

But, here’s what those questions are:

  1. Are you in it to help and serve?

  2. Do you have knowledge or skills that others will pay to learn or do for them?

  3. Do you enjoy communicating with people, even if you don’t know them?

  4. Do you enjoy creating content?

  5. Are you willing to work toward a longer-term goal even when you don’t see immediate return?

  6. When you are confident that what you offer will truly help them, are you OK with asking for the sale?

Those things matter.

If you say “no” to them, then this business model isn’t for you. In fact, no business model is. What you want is a “business opportunity” where somebody presents a “color by numbers” approach where you don’t have to do any thinking or make any decisions. Truth is, those “opportunities” are usually bullshit. Or MLM spam.

I guess one difference with me is that… I’ll actually tell you so.

I think you’d rather know the straight scoop rather than me BS you and tell you how easy it all is. Least I hope so.

If you wanna do this for real, I’d love to work with you inside THE LAB. That ever-popular lifetime membership plan is currently available at the lowest rate… but that rate is increasing soon. The date has been set. You’ll be hearing about it soon.


or to participate.